Phantasy Star Online 1
Server Maintenance Concluded for February 6th, 2021
Soul Eater (Japanese: ソウルイーター) is a recurring weapon in the Phantasy Star franchise. 1 General Information 2 Phantasy Star Online 2.1 Phantasy Star Online Episode III C.A.R.D. Revolution 3 Phantasy Star Online 2 The Soul Eater is an evil scythe said to not only devour, but also shred the soul of the person that was foolish enough to wield it. It withers both the body and spirit. Phantasy Star Online Version 1 or 2? Posted by 1 year ago. Phantasy Star Online Version 1 or 2? I picked up PSO Ver 1 recently and just ordered PSO Ver 2 with plans to get into them soon. Is there any reason to play PSO 1 over Version 2 though? Is Version 2 just an updated version of the first one? Phantasy Star Online is an online role-playing game (RPG) developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega in 2000 for the Dreamcast.It was the first online RPG for game consoles; players adventure with up to three others over the internet to complete quests, collect items, and fight enemies in real-time action RPG combat. With Phantasy Star Online, RPG gaming has no boundaries. Product information ASIN B000086JXD Customer Reviews: 4.1 out of 5 stars 52 ratings. 4.1 out of 5 stars.
Server maintenance has concluded for February 6th, 2021.The following changes were made to the game:
- The Valentine's Event has been activated on the server. (You can also find the Valentine's Day quest under Episode 1's One Person 'Event' quest category.)
During the Valentine's Event, you will gain bonuses for partying up with other Hunters!
2P: +10% Rare Drop Rate
3P: +15% Rare Drop Rate

4P: +20% Rare Drop Rate
Furthermore, all ongoing daily luck bonuses will be combined in parties.
- HBR has been changed to Sweep-Up Operation EP2.
- The DLL was updated to play Episode 2's transitional music by default in Episode 1's battle maps when used outside of Battle Mode. (Such as in Ender's latest quest.)
- The DLL was also updated to nerf Shock length in Anguish mode.
Thank you for playing on Ephinea!
Posted Feb 6th, 2021, 14:51 (UTC) by Sodaboy (3)
People say:
Mindless, repetitive, pointless story line...yet this action-RPG has managed to keep me enthralled for tripledigit hours’ worth of gameplay through four versions now. Am I insane? Perhaps, but PSO fills that intrinsic gamer need to level up characters and find better and rarer items. It does this particularly well because of its sick graphics and cooperative online format (as with deathmatch shooters, it’s so easy to get hooked when playing with friends). Just be warned that this addiction doesn’t come cheap: You have to pony up the bucks for the game, Xbox Live, and a monthly fee (although in true drug-dealer style, Microsoft will give you the first two months free). It’s worth it—as opposed to previous PSOs, you can voice chat here, which improves cooperative play tenfold. Once you get used to the slight lag, you’ll never want to Phantasize with one hand on the keyboard again. If you won't be going online, pass on PSO; splitscreen (with bad camera angles and an incomplete interface) and single-player don’t offer the same buzz.
Phantasy Star Online 1 Anime
After logging a ton of hours in three prior versions, you’d think I’d be sick of clearing Ragol’s picturesque forests of Rappies by now. But like the other guys, I find PSO so addictive and fun to play that I just can’t say no—and this Xbox incarnation is the best yet. Being able to use voice chat instead of stop-and-go typing improves gameplay so much that I require all future online RPGs to offer mic support. PSO is precisely the killer app Xbox Live needed. See you online!
Phantasy Star Online 1-2 Section Id
To paraphrase Michael Corleone, “Just when I thought I was out of PSO, it pulls me back in!' With so many ways to customize and improve your character (gain levels; find new armor, weapons, and spells; boost your Mag robot side-kick), this wildly addictive game is once again keeping me up all night—even two years after I first started playing it. Gripes? I have a few: Some graphics still pop into view, and the camera in splitscreen is atrocious. Still, voice chat makes this, by far, the best version of an already amazing experience.