Metal Gear Online
It probably doesn't matter, since Metal Gear's optional online side dish doesn't quite come with the same burden of expectation and devotion as the main course. It is, however, very much a. For Metal Gear Online on the PlayStation 3, GameFAQs presents a message board for game discussion and help - Page 1904. Metal Gear Online is a stealth third-person shooter video game for the PlayStation 3.It is an online multiplayer spin-off of the Metal Gear video game series. Τhe starter pack of Online was available worldwide bundled with Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, with a standalone release for Japan. Metal Gear Online 3 is the online multiplayer component of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. IGN's wiki guide will keep you up to date with every secret and tip you need to know to prosper.

Metal Gear Online Ps4
According to the updated FAQ on the MGSV site, there are plans for official tournaments for Metal Gear Online. These will be announced in the future.
The FAQ also confirms that Metal Gear Online will allow you to play with players from all over the world. Earlier, the team said that there are plans to make the game region free, and now it seems to be official. The Japanese FAQ mentions that players will be able to choose between ‘Japan’ and “ROW’ (rest of world), but this isn’t explicitly stated in the English FAQ so perhaps the menu will work a bit differently.
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Source: MGSV FAQ, via MGOForums