Gta 5 Oppressor Mk2
Grand Theft Auto Online’s Oppressor Mk II is on sale, leading to a fresh wave of community concern over this overpowered hoverbike. What is the Oppressor, and why is it causing so much controversy? Recently, I started saving up for the Oppressor MKII (While also doing the necessary client jobs for the trade price). Upon reaching 1.5mil, I decided to buy a Great White Shark card ($1,250,000) in order to get closer to the required money. Which one should I get i tries my friends Oppressor (the original one) but I had trouble flying it. I recently tried the Oppressor mk 2 it seemed easier to fly but which one is better. Please give me details which one is better then just saying Oppressor or Oppressor mk 2. Beginner's Guide (GTA Online). Advanced Smuggler's Run Guide. Advanced Guide for MC Business. How to Make Easy Money Everyday (Solo Guide). All Action Figures Locations (GTA Online). All Playing Cards Locations (GTA Online). Mobile Operations Center (MOC) Guide. All Peyote Locations (GTA Online). Quick Guide for the Oppressor. Guide to Combat. If you need help in the comments section, please tag me with @HKH191, if you dont do this i wont receive a notification of you message, also please consider joining my discord you will get faster help in support secton, or directly MESSAGE me if i am online This mod fixes the glitch that R. forgot to fix, concerning the MK2 weapons, where you reload the game and it.
Hi everyone. Today I am gonna mention GTA 5 is old but gold game. This guide will show “How to Quickly Beat Oppressor MK2”.
How to Beat Oppressor MK2?

There are a few ways known only by the wisest men on how to beat the oppressor and because I am one of the wisest people on this planet (apart from my demon who sleeps under my bed pls send help ) I will teach you a few methods.
Oppressor Mk1 Gta
The First Method
Mark 2 Oppressor Gta 5
You can always do what the Americans would do which is the easiest way. LEAVE.
you would ask I mention Americans, well you thought wrong I actually meant the french. white flag
The Second Method

this method is my personal favorite and I use it most of the time. so this one is very complex what you have to do is go to cmd and delete system32. what this will do is your computer will start flying and will find the person with oppressor lives. when it calculates the route it will lock on and drop kick the person, this will obviously teach the person that using oppressor causes brain cancer.
The Third Method
Trash talk the person and if ur toxic enough they will combust.
Gta 5 Oppressor Mk2 Trade Price
by ogarnij